| Editor's Letter - Uncertain times ahead: Editor Carrie Cook discusses the impact of unexpected political events on the future of banking and the growing impetus for banks to manage political risk. News: Analysis of the major risk-related news stories of the past few weeks, including fines for money-laundering breaches, Trump’s decision to dismantle Dodd Frank and the Rolls Royce bribery scandal. Interview - Paul Hopkin, technical director, Institute of Risk Management: Carrie Cook speaks to Paul Hopkin from the Institute of Risk Management about the organisation’s latest guidance on managing bribery risk, produced in partnership with Transparency International. How To... Implement a working anti-bribery compliance programme: Bribery and corruption expert Severin Wirz provides a step-by-step guide on how to build, implement and enforce a successful antibribery compliance programme, looking at high-profile examples of where some firms have fallen short. The case for certifying your anti-bribery programme: Compliance expert Kristy Grant-Hart takes a look at the benefits of becoming certified under the new ISO 37001 anti-bribery standard. Spotlight - Political risk: a growing uncertainty for global financial institutions: Mark Elkommos from HSBC Bank Egypt considers the links and overlaps between operational risk and political risk in these politically uncertain times. Regulatory Update: An update on the latest regulatory developments including cyber risk guidance from FinCEN, advice from the SFC on client identity verification and news from the SEC as Trump prepares to take the helm. Book Review - The Weakest Link: An extract from "The Weakest Link: Why your employees might be your biggest cyber risk" by digital strategy expert Jeremy Swinfen Green and cyber security veteran Paul Dorey. Time to smell the coffee - lessons learned from the Dyn, Liberia and Tesco hacks: Cyber security expert Graeme McGowan reports on the spate of recent cyber attacks and how they’ve exposed the extent of the vulnerability presented by interconnected devices and legacy systems and networks. Risk Classifications - Know your customer failures and violations: Continuing with our regular feature on data classification issues and guidelines, in this issue, RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay explores failure by the firm to comply with rules, regulations or other requirements relating to the identity of its clients, customers and other third parties. Dear CEO: Every month, an anonymous senior executive of a financial services firm writes a letter to the CEO about concerns they have always wanted to raise. |