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Issue #57

Issue #57Editor's Letter - Culture Club: Culture is a term which has become inextricably linked with banking misconduct. But what does it really mean?
News: Analysis of the major risk-related news stories of the past few weeks, including the sales scandal at Wells Fargo, the latest fines data and a misconduct case at Barclays Wealth and Investment Bank.
Regulatory Update: An update on the latest regulatory developments including a landmark in whistleblower payouts for the SEC and concerns about fintech at the Bank of England.
Interview - Paul Rippon: We catch up with deputy CEO of Monzo, Paul Rippon, to get the lowdown on what the app-based alternative bank hopes to achieve, the challenges its faced so far and what it’s really like working in fintech after years of working in traditional banking.
Opinion - The Culture Wars: Risk expert Howard Stein ponders the corruption and misappropriation of the term ‘culture’ – and why business is so obsessed with it.
How To... Manage and Set Operational Risk Appetite: Author and head of operational risk for MUFG Securities EMEA, Michael Grimwade, shares his step-by-step guide on how to define and manage a firm’s operational risk appetite.
Opinion - Risk Culture Building is not a Concept; it’s a Mindset: Horst Simon explains why confusing the separate roles of governance, risk and compliance can be detrimental to building a sound risk culture within the firm.
Sharing Scenarios - Software Coding Error: This month, we explore a continuous risk whenever the firm builds its own software applications: the risk of a software coding error.
Risk Classifications - Improper or Aggressive Advertising, Sales Practices or Contract Terms: Mike Finlay explores a risk category which is coming under increasing scrutiny from industry regulators.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to the CEO detailing some of the issues they have always wanted to raise.