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Issue #56

Issue #56Editor's Letter: Staying ahead of the game: Cyber crime and the technological revolution are top of the agenda for the financial sector. But are banks taking it seriously enough?
News: Analysis of the major risk-related news stories of the past few weeks, including major reforms from the Competition and Market’s Authority, European banks’ stress tests and the Volkswagen emissions scandal.
If you ask me: Can the centre hold?: Regular columnist and risk expert, Annie Searle, ponders the global impact of recent high-profile risk events and what this means for business and safety.
Regulatory Update: An update on the latest regulatory developments including a MiFID II consultation from the FCA, an enforcement outcomes report from ASIC and new governance standards for Malaysia’s banks.
Cyber criminals are causing seismic shifts in the digital landscape: Cyber security expert Chris Underhill shares his views on how businesses should be addressing cybercrime as the challenge becomes increasingly difficult for firms to manage.
How To... Create an effective anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing programme: Mark Elkommos, AML investigations manager at HSBC Bank Egypt, explains how firms should be developing strong anti-money laundering monitoring capabilities to safeguard the financial system from the abuses of financial crime.
Spotlight: 21st century corporate defence: Corporate defence management strategist, Sean Lyons, identifies and dissects the various elements needed to develop a sustainable and effective corporate defence strategy.
Cyber security: Shaping behaviour to improve compliance: Protecting against cybercrime is a complex challenge. But what if you could tap into the skills of other disciplines to shape the behaviour of individuals to be more vigilant about IT security? Chris Rivinus reports.
Sharing Scenarios: System intrusion followed by ransomware infection: In keeping with the thematic coverage of cybercrime, we explore an ever-increasing threat combining extortion and business disruption: the deployment of ransomware against the firm.
Risk Classifications: Know-your-customer failures and violations: Mike Finlay explores a risk category often confused with losses and exposures relating to money laundering and tax avoidance; namely, the failure to undertake adequate know-your-customer precautions.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise.