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Issue #54

Issue #54Editor's Letter - Let's get one thing clear: Will transparency ever really prevail in global business, or is it simply an inevitable operational risk, asks editor Carrie Cook.
News: Analysis of the major risk-related news stories of the past few weeks, including the latest on the Fifa scandal, an update on the JPMorgan hacking case and more market manipulation.
Spotlight - Behind the mask : lessons learned from the Panama Papers: Bribery and corruption expert, Alexandra Wrage, shares her views on what organisations can learn from the Panama Papers scandal and how we can move towards greater transparency.
Regulatory Update: An update on recent regulatory developments, including FINRA’s plans to tackle culture issues and new foreign exchange market rules.
Big data and financial risk : The case for operational risk management: What does the future look like for operational risk measurement and management as big data becomes an increasingly important industry tool? Alfredo B. Roisenzvit reports.
Managing risk in an international financial institution: In a departure from our usual opinion column format, we asked a panel of IFI risk managers to share their opinions on the differences in practices and risks between IFIs and commercial banks.
Aon Risk Solutions hosts 'megatrends' discussion panel: Carrie Cook reports from Aon Risk Solutions’ recent panel event which brought together industry leaders to discuss current and future trends on the risk management agenda.
Risk Classifications - Tax non-compliance or tax violations - clients and customers: In light of recent tax evasion scandals, RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay takes a look at its potential impact on firms.
Islamic finance : strengthening corporate governance practices: MENA consultant Lina Tayara discusses the findings of the Orient Consulting Services Islamic Finance Survey.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise.