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Issue #45

Issue #45Editor's Letter - Playing God?: In light of the Ashley Madison scandal, Liz Booth asks if we should really be playing God.
News: Analysis of the major news stories of the past few weeks, covering concerns over US swaps, forex lawsuits and an update from the SFO.
If You Ask Me - Ellen Davis: Regulators are paying increasing attention to the issue of conduct risk. Ellen Davis from Thomson Reuters explains why it can be a tough nut to crack and looks at how firms can take proactive steps to address it.
Spotlight - Bribery and Corruption: Firms and government organisations across the globe face a constant battle with bribery and corruption. Carrie Cook takes a look at why it’s not always easy to wipe the slate clean
Regulatory Update: An update on recent regulatory developments, including new anti-money laundering rules in the US, a crackdown on cyber security in the UK insurance industry and new accountability guidelines
The Cost of Poor Test Data Management: As new stringent EU regulations on data protection loom on the horizon, financial institutions must get to grips with managing their test data, or face the consequences, writes Andrew Crouch of SQS.
How To... Select and Adopt an External Risk Framework: Choosing an external risk management standard requires plenty of investigation and analysis. Here, Manoj Kulwal of RiskSpotlight compares and contrasts the ISO 31000 and COSO ERM standards.
Identity of an Operational Risk Professional: Operational risk roles demand a whole range of experience and knowledge. But is it realistic to expect such a wealth of skills from one individual? Elizabeth Roberts and Helen Pykhova discuss.
Sharing Scenarios - Payments System Outage: This month, the scenario explores the impact of a payments system outage and the resultant business disruption to the firm, its customers and the broader industry.
Risk Classifications - Impermissible Gifts or Political Contributions: RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay takes a look at firms that make inappropriate political contributions, provide gifts or other benefits, or make illegal payments to secure business advantage for themselves.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to the CEO detailing some of the issues they have always wanted to raise