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Issue #42

Issue #42Editor's Letter - The Human Factor: Despite the many regulatory developments and punishments for non-compliance, it seems you still can’t take the human factor out of the equation when it comes to risk.
News: An overview of the major news stories of the past few weeks, covering the Deutsche Bank fraud investigation, Solvency II developments, new challenges for the Basel Committee and job cuts at HSBC.
If You Ask Me: The Risk Universe columnist, Annie Searle, takes a look at two recent studies on ethics in finance and asks if the issue will always be a concern for the industry.
Spotlight - An introduction to social media risk: In a series of articles on protecting your organisation from online threats, Jeremy Swinfen Green takes a look at the specific risks surrounding a firm’s use of social media platforms.
$94bn And Counting: We take a look at how eight major banks have accumulated fines of more than $94bn since the financial crisis.
Regulatory Update: The latest EU directive on anti-money laundering regulation, New York releases state rules for digital currencies and the UK’s Fair and Effective Markets Review publishes its final report.
Integrated Assurance Management : How Should the Three Lines of Defence Interact Together?: André Dylan Kohler, partner at EY’s EMEIA Financial Services Advisory, gives his views on how integrated assurance management can be applied to the three lines of defence model.
How To... Build a Scenario: To conduct an appropriate scenario assessment you need a documented scenario to assess. With this in mind, RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay offers a simple but effective approach to building a scenario.
Sharing Scenarios - Utility Outage: This month, our scenarios feature explores the repercussions of significant utility outages for the average firm.
Risk Classifications - Robbery, burglary or physical theft – without injury: RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay takes a look at the implications of an age-old problem which is still very relevant today: robbery, burglary and physical theft.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to the CEO detailing some of the issues they have always wanted to raise.