Issues :   67 to 61  60 to 49  48 to 37  36 to 25  24 to 13  12 to 1

Issue #37

Issue #37Editor's Letter - Fighting Extremism: Financial institutions are in the front line in fighting terrorism.
News: MetLife fights SIFI designation; Floored by Basel; Cyber war heats up.
If You Ask Me - Dear Member of the Board: Annie Searle provides advice to boards of directors on how to better manage the company’s risk.
Spotlight - Lessons Learned: In the second in a series, Victoria Tozer-Pennington examines the practicalities of designing so-called Gen 2 models.
The Convergence: Risk and Quality Management: Lean Six Sigma expert Max Cardew explores the challenges with deploying a quality programme within operational risk processes.
How To...Create a better-governed, more risk-aware, and compliant corporate culture: MetricStream’s Gaurav Kapoor set out how to create a better-governed, more risk-aware and compliant corporate culture through the use of GRC.
Funding Outrage: Recent events in Paris and Sydney have reignited fears over terrorist attacks on civilians. The Risk Universe’s Nick Kochan takes a look at how the terrorist funding threat tests bank’s Anti-Terrorist Financing systems.
If You Ask Me - Navigating the Model Maze: Evangelos Sekeris shares his thoughts on the latest round of CCAR submissions and US firms’ progress with their operational risk submissions.
Sharing Scenarios - Damage or destruction of property and facilities arising from acts of war or terrorism: Following the tragic events in Paris and the recent case in Sydney, the scenario explores the impact on the firm from an act of war or terrorism.
Risk Classifications - War and Terrorism: Spurred by recent events, RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay takes a look at the implications of acts of war or terrorism for the firm.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise.