| Editor's Letter - Conduct, Ethics and Behaviour: Fines, cyber threats and crypto-currencies – lets pause for a moment and consider the threats and risks facing emerging and developing nations, then lets reassess the significance of much of what those in the developed world take for granted. News: A number of very significant fines, the potential coming-of-age of cryptocurrencies, debt collection mis-conduct, new regulatory scorecards and the now perennial topic of cyber issues. A Path to Good Culture: AIG actuary Chris Smerald shares his thoughts and experiences in guiding a firm from zero to outstanding in terms of risk culture. Spotlight - Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility: The Risk Universe’s Bethan Treanor takes an initial look at how financial services firms in developed nations address the thorny issues around sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Industry Research - Creating Value from Loss Events: New research from ORIC International identifies 4 key enablers deemed to be essential for an effective risk event management process. How To... Build a business case for a GRC solution: Blue Hills Research provides guidance for firms considering buying a GRC solution. Social Media Risk - The Risks of Being Social: Social Media Risk Consulting’s Jeremy Swinfen Green introduces the concepts of social media risk and its implications for any firm. Sharing Scenarios - Environmental damage where the firm is financier or guarantor: This month’s scenario looks at the potential consequences of financing environmentally unfriendly business. Find out the results of last month’s scenario benchmarking exercise on business disruption through threats and hoaxes. Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise. Risk Classifications - Governance Failings: RiskBusiness’ Mike Finlay takes a look at the risk of corporate governance failings. Classified: Find all your job advertisements here alongside information on upcoming industry events and The Risk Universe monthly comic. |