Issues :   67 to 61  60 to 49  48 to 37  36 to 25  24 to 13  12 to 1

Issue #2

Issue #2A Missed Opportunity: It is clear with Solvency II that insurers are repeating all of the same mistakes the banks made. Insurers should engage with their regulators sooner rather than later.
News: Addressing the cyber threat by BITS; Tools emerge to track reputational risk; Pressure mounts to use internal model for op risk; Four ex-Credit Suisse traders charged.
Special Report - MF Global – A lesson for CROs: MF Global is being viewed as the poster child for the inadequacy of the chief risk officer. Warnings from both former and current CROs went unheeded by the MF Global board.
History Repeating: Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it and yet despite this oft-quoted warning, insurers are failing to learn the lessons of Basel II. Victoria Tozer-Pennington reports.
The Hidden Operational Risk - Settlement Fails: The number of settlement fails is growing substantially and threatens the stability of the market.
Client Money Segregation Failure: This month the scenario involves the failure by a firm to clearly segregate client money from the firm's own funds.
Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise.
Social Climbing: Social media is a powerful marketing tool when done right but it can also be a source of significant risk.
Fraud Rising to the Top: In such a stressed economic environment, with job cuts being made in the bank office and middle management, opportunities are being created for employees and managers under pressure to commit fraud.
How To... Perform an Outsourcing Risk Assessment: Mike Finlay, CEO of RiskBusiness International Limited sets out an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to establishing the processes required to manage outsourcing requirements.
Here's a Little Something for Yourself: RiskBusiness International Limited's Mike Finlay explores the accepting of bribes by employees - a risk category which has recently been the subject of new legislation and considerable media debate.
Classified: Find all your job advertisements here alongside information on upcoming industry events and The Risk Universe monthly comic.