| Editor's Letter: The trouble with data. News: Operational risk and cyber risks pose greatest threat; Immature approach to cyber risk; OCC seeks to raise awareness of cyber risk; Microsoft cyber-fraud sting; Regulators target digital currency; Risk director guidelines released; Another PPI mess; The end of the BIA? Book Review - Risk and Governance: Sergio Scandizzo maintains that risk management and corporate governance are inextricably linked and calls on boards to focus on risk management. If You Ask Me - Every Wall is a Door: The Risk Universe columnist Annie Searle shares questions posed to her by new students of operational risk that pose some home truths for the industry. Spotlight - People: the hidden risk: Sandra Quinn addresses the importance of people risk management, which is often overlooked by firms. Phantoms of the Dealing Rooms: Sebastian Fritz-Morgenthal and Hagen Rafeld examine what mandatory measures are required in financial institutions to detect rogue traders earlier. How To... Quantify a potential legal exposure: With many firms facing legal action due to incidences of mis-selling, recent research by Loo Hong Jim Bryan seeks to determine the likely outcome using a statistical model based on empirical evidence. Sharing Scenarios - Incomplete or unavailable consolidated exposure information: This month’s scenario assess incomplete information on current or projected consolidated exposures that affect decision making. Also find out the benchmarks to last month’s Sharing Scenarios. Dear CEO: Every month an anonymous chief risk officer of a financial services firm writes a letter to his CEO detailing some of the issues he has always wanted to raise. Risk Classifications - Unauthorised Execution of Transactions: The execution of trades and transactions outside of the individual’s permitted mandate, license or approved trading responsibilities. Classified: Find all your job advertisements here alongside information on upcoming industry events and The Risk Universe monthly comic. |